Douyin Huoshan App Download | 抖音火山版 Short Video

Douyin Huoshan App Download : Explore a new world with 抖音火山版 App, where Douyin and Huoshan merge to connect you with friends and broaden your horizons. This upgraded brand focuses on personalized short videos and live content, offering endless freshness and fun. Ready for more exciting moments? Download Douyin Huoshan App now and see a different perspective~

Douyin Huoshan App Download


Douyin Huoshan App Download


抖音火山版 (pinyin : Dǒu yīn huǒshān bǎn), a video sharing app launched by Bytedance Ltd..

Douyin Huoshan Video, formerly known as “火山小視頻” (means Huoshan short video), after the upgrade, it helps users meet more friends and see a bigger world.

You can see various experts and special content in short videos and live streams. There is always fresh videos for you to watch.

Ready for more exciting moments?

In this article, we will introduce how to get Douyin Huoshan App~

  • Android (APK)
  • iOS


  • If you’re interested in the Chinese version of TikTok, we recommend reading ‘Douyin App Download‘.


Douyin Huoshan Download

Android 1 Google Play


▼ Readers using an Android phone or tablet can’t get it from the Google Play Store.

Please see the following steps to get APK.

Douyin Huoshan App is not available on Google Play


To experience 抖音火山 (China) ? Visit websites below to get the APK files :

  • Tencent Appstore
  • PP Assistant


Android 2 Tencent Appstore


Tencent Appstore : 抖音火山版

▼ We could obtain APK from the Tencent Appstore.

Open the link above, Uncheck “应用宝官方下载,安全高速”.

Tap on “普通下载” Normal Download to get it through your browser.


Note 1 : Can’t download it? Please try a different browser.

Note 2 : On desktop site? Please switch to mobile screen in your web browser.

Download Douyin Huoshan APK from Tencent Appstore

Android 3 PP Assistant


PP Assistant : 抖音火山版

▼ We can also get it from the Alibaba PP Assistant.

Open the site link, uncheck “优先下载PP助手安装,更安全”.

And tap on “普通下载” Normal Download to download it.


Note : Can’t download it? Please try a different browser.

Download Douyin Huoshan Video APK from PP Assistant


Douyin Huoshan Video Download

iOS 1 App Store (overseas)


▼ Readers on an iPhone or iPad can’t find Douyin Huoshan on the App Store from outside of China.

Douyin Huoshan App is not available on App Store (overseas)


Not available for you country or area?

Please visit the Chinese App Store (Mainland China).


iOS 2 App Store (China) I


▼ Follow Getting a China Apple ID to create a new ID, and change the Country of your App Store

Visit the Chinese App Store

iOS 2 App Store (China) II GET


App Store :  抖音火山版

▼ Get into the China App Store,

and you can search for “douyin huoshan” or open the link above to GET this video App.

Get Douyin Huoshan App from App Store (China)

Douyin Huoshan (formerly Huoshan Short Video) is an app that combines entertainment, social interaction, and creativity. With its rich content and user-friendly features, it’s the perfect platform for showcasing yourself and discovering others. Whether you’re a video creator or an explorer of new experiences, Douyin Huoshan meets all your needs. We hope this article helps you embark on an extraordinary journey of short video experiences. For any queries, please leave a comment below. Thank you~

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