QQ Browser App Download : Experience a world of speed and precision with QQ浏览器, the choice of over 400 million people for work and study. It offers not just a lightning-fast search experience but also one-click document handling and format conversion, along with an AI camera for high-definition scanning. Whether you’re following the latest news, watching popular videos, or enjoying free novels, QQ Browser provides access to a wealth of online resources anytime, anywhere. Searching for an all-in-one browser app? Download the QQ Browser App now for smarter browsing~
QQ Browser App Download
QQ浏览器 (pinyin : QQ liúlǎn qì), developed by Tencent Technology.
The QQ Browser App is a web browser that aggregates information from across the internet, covering everything from lifestyle services to entertainment. Its unique “Direct Access” feature simplifies ordering food, booking tickets, and handling daily tasks with ease.
The “Search” and “Video” functions bring you daily hotspots and local news, plus a wide range of quality short videos.
Moreover, the powerful “Documents” tool offers a one-stop document handling solution, making office work and study more efficient and convenient.
Looking for a smart and versatile browsing service? Search no more.
In this article, we will guide you on how to download the QQ Browser App. Keep reading to find out more.
- Android
- iOS
QQ Browser Download
Android 1 Google Play
▼ For overseas readers using Android smartphones or tablets, this app is not available in the Play Store.
Want to get the QQ Browser APK?
You can download it from the following websites:
- Tencent Appstore
- Wandoujia
Android 2 Tencent Appstore
Tencent Appstore : QQ浏览器
▼ Tencent Appstore offers the APK file for download.
Open the link and uncheck the “应用宝官方下载,安全高速”.
Click on “普通下载” Normal Download to start the download.
Note 1 : Can’t download it? Please try a different browser.
Note 2 : On desktop site? Please switch to the mobile screen via your web browser.
Android 3 Wandoujia
Wandoujia : QQ浏览器
▼ We can also download it from Alibaba’s Wandoujia.
Visit the website, uncheck “需优先下载豌豆荚安装”
Then tap on “普通下载” (Normal Download) to start the download.
Note: If you can’t download it, please try using a different browser.
iOS 1 App Store (Overseas)
App Store : QQ浏览器
▼ For overseas users with iPhones or iPads, you can find this app in the App Store.
Simply search for ‘qq‘ in the store or open the store link to Get this application.
Can’t find it in your local App Store?
Consider switching to the Chinese App Store (Mainland China).
iOS 2 App Store (China) I
▼ Start by creating a new Apple ID for China.
Then, change your App Store’s country setting to Mainland China.
switching to the Chinese App Store
iOS 2 App Store (China) II GET
App Store : QQ瀏覽器
▼ Access the China App Store,
and search for ‘qq‘ or use the above link to Get this app.
With its comprehensive features and superior user experience, the QQ Browser App stands out as a multifunctional browser choice. Whether for work, study, or daily life, it provides strong support and convenience. We hope this article helps you download the app and embark on an efficient and intelligent online journey. If you encounter any issues, please leave a comment below. Thank you~