Sogou Browser App Download : 搜狗浏览器 is an all-in-one search platform developed by Sogou, integrating search, video, novels, and entertainment to quickly find the information you need. Interested in trying Sogou Browser? Let’s get the Sogou Browser App now for an easier and more efficient search experience~
Sogou Browser App Download
搜狗浏览器 (pinyin : Sōugǒu liúlǎn qì) , a web browser developed by Sogou.
极速版 (Jísù bǎn) means a lite or lightweight version in Chinese.
This browser integrates a vast amount of high-quality content, including current events, real-time hot searches, knowledge answers, video entertainment, and free novels.
Interested in experiencing a different search tool?
In this article, we will introduce how to get Sogou Browser App~
- Android (APK)
- iOS
Sogou Browser Download
Android 1 Google Play
▼ Readers using an Android phone or tablet can’t find this browser from the Google Play Store.
Please follow the steps below to get APK.
To get the 搜狗浏览器 Sogou Browser ? Visit the following sites to get APK file.
- Tencent Appstore
- PP Assistant
Android 2 Tencent Appstore
Tencent Appstore : 搜狗浏览器极速版
▼ We could obtain Sogou Browser APK from the Tencent Appstore.
Open the link above, Uncheck “应用宝官方下载,安全高速”.
Tap on “普通下载” Normal Download to get it through your browser.
Note 1 : Can’t download it? Please try a different browser.
Note 2 : On desktop site? Please switch to mobile screen in your web browser.
Android 3 PP Assistant
PP Assistant : 搜狗浏览器极速版
▼ We can also get it from the Alibaba PP Assistant.
Open the site link, uncheck “优先下载PP助手安装,更安全”.
And tap on “普通下载” Normal Download to download it.
Note : Can’t download it? Please try a different browser.
Mobile Sogou Browser Download
iOS 1 App Store (overseas)
App Store : 搜狗浏览器极速版
▼ Readers using an iPhone or iPad can find it from the App Store from outside of China.
Just search for “sogou” or open the store link to GET it.
Not available in your country or region?
Please visit the Chinese App Store (Mainland China).
iOS 2 App Store (China) I
▼ Follow Signing up a China Apple ID to create a new ID, and change the Country of your App Store
iOS 2 App Store (China) II GET
App Store : 搜狗浏览器极速版
▼ Enter the China App Store,
and you can search for “sogou” or open the link above to GET this search App.
Sogou Browser (Lite) App is an all-in-one search platform that provides the latest news, real-time hot topics, interesting videos, movies and TV shows, and a vast collection of novels, offers a new search experience. We hope this article helps readers obtain this intelligent browser app. If you encounter any issues, please leave a comment below. Thanks~