Meituan App Download : Elevate your lifestyle with the 美团 App, your ultimate daily assistant for everything from gourmet food delivery to travel needs. With services like Meituan’s own Supermarket and Meituan Errand, your everyday tasks become more convenient. Whether booking restaurants, grocery shopping, hailing a taxi, or reserving hotel and train tickets, Meituan simplifies your life, making it better and easier. Looking for entertainment options? Want a one-stop solution for all your leisure activities in China? Download the Meituan App now for a simpler, more beautiful life~
Meituan App Download
Looking for Mei Tuan?
美团 (pinyin : Měi tuán), your comprehensive platform for lifestyle information, offers a wide range of consumer services.From dining and entertainment to travel and movie-going, Meituan covers it all.
- Meituan – official site
Not just facilitating restaurant reservations and food delivery, it also features an upgraded Meituan Map to help you discover more surprises. Travel planning is made easy with everything from flight to bus inquiries at your fingertips.
Ready to effortlessly manage dining, entertainment, and travel?
In this article, we will introduce how to get 美团 App.
- Android (APK)
- iOS
Meituan Download
Android 1 Google Play
▼ For overseas readers using Android smartphones or tablets, this app is not available in the Play Store.
Want to get the Meituan APK?
You can download it from the following websites:
- Tencent Appstore
- Wandoujia
Android 2 Tencent Appstore
Tencent Appstore : 美团
▼ Tencent Appstore offers the APK file for download.
Open the link and uncheck the “应用宝官方下载,安全高速”.
Click on “普通下载” Normal Download to start the download.
Note 1 : Can’t download it? Please try a different browser.
Note 2 : On desktop site? Please switch to the mobile screen via your web browser.
Android 3 Wandoujia
Wandoujia : 美团
▼ We can also download it from Alibaba’s Wandoujia.
Visit the website, uncheck “需优先下载豌豆荚安装”
Then tap on “普通下载” (Normal Download) to start the download.
Note: If you can’t download it, please try using a different browser.
iOS 1 App Store (Overseas)
App Store : 美团
▼ For overseas users with iPhones or iPads, you can find this app in the App Store.
Simply search for ‘meituan‘ in the store or open the store link to Get this application.
Note: Currently, the 美团 App is only available in certain overseas regions. If it is not offered in your store, please refer to the following methods.
Can’t find it in your local App Store?
Consider switching to the Chinese App Store (Mainland China).
iOS 2 App Store (China) I
▼ Start by creating a new Apple ID for China.
Then, change your App Store’s country setting to Mainland China.
switching to the Chinese App Store
iOS 2 App Store (China) II GET
App Store : 美团
▼ Access the China App Store,
and search for ‘meituan‘ or use the above link to Get this app.
The Meituan App is a multifunctional lifestyle service platform that not only makes your daily life more convenient but also brings you more joy and discounts. Whether it’s for routine tasks or leisure entertainment, Meituan is an indispensable companion. We hope this article assists you in downloading the app to start your journey towards a better life. If you encounter any issues, please leave a comment below. Thank you!