LOFTER App Download: A widely popular interest-based community by NetEase. This platform brings together a rich array of content in gaming, anime, photography, film, entertainment, and more, boasting 80 million tags and 12.8 million creators. Looking to find creative themes that spark your interest? Eager to explore diverse content based on your hobbies? Download the LOFTER App now and shine along with your passions~
LOFTER App Download
乐乎 (pinyin : Lè hū), also known as 老福特 (Lǎo fútè) in Chinese, a vibrant interest-based community platform under NetEase.
A favorite among young people, this broad interest community boasts millions of creators, offering a wealth of diverse and intriguing content. LOFTER supports various content forms, including images, text, and short videos, allowing users to express themselves in their preferred way.
The LOFTER Marketplace gathers a wide range of popular IP merchandise from across the web, along with exclusive launches of internet-famous products. It also offers personalized customization services for products like photo books and phone cases tailored to individual preferences.
With over 200,000 high-heat interest tags, LOFTER makes it easy to find like-minded individuals. Whether you’re into dramas, movies, painting, photography, travel, cosplay, mobile gaming, or literature, you can effortlessly connect with others who share your interests for collaboration, viewing, discussion, and sharing.
Looking to dive deeper into your interests? Want to find more like-minded companions? Explore LOFTER and discover your community!
In this article, we will guide you on how to download the LOFTER App. Keep reading to find out more.
- Android
- iOS
Lofter Download
Android 1 Google Play
▼ For overseas readers using Android smartphones or tablets, this social app is not available in the Play Store.
Want to get the LOFTER APK?
You can download it from the following websites:
- Tencent Appstore
- PP Assistant
Android 2 Tencent Appstore
Tencent Appstore : LOFTER
▼ Tencent Appstore offers the APK file for download.
Open the link and uncheck the “应用宝官方下载,安全高速”.
Click on “普通下载” Normal Download to start the download.
Note 1 : Can’t download it? Please try a different browser.
Note 2 : On desktop site? Please switch to the mobile screen via your web browser.
Android 3 PP Assistant
PP Assistant : LOFTER
▼ We can also download it from Alibaba’s PP Assistant.
Visit the website, uncheck “优先下载PP助手安装,更安全”
Then tap on “普通下载” (Normal Download) to start the download.
Note: If you can’t download it, please try using a different browser.
iOS 1 App Store (Overseas)
App Store : LOFTER
▼ For overseas users with iPhones or iPads, you can find this social app in the App Store.
Simply search for ‘lofter‘ in the store or open the store link to Get this application.
Can’t find it in your local App Store?
Consider switching to the Chinese App Store (Mainland China).
iOS 2 App Store (China) I
▼ Start by creating a new Apple ID for China.
Then, change your App Store’s country setting to Mainland China.
switching to the Chinese App Store
iOS 2 App Store (China) II GET
App Store : LOFTER
▼ Access the China App Store,
and search for ‘lofter‘ or use the above link to Get this app.
LOFTER, a creator-friendly online community, offers services like copyright protection and verified (V) authentication to support positive interactions between users and creators. We hope this article helps you in acquiring the app and kickstarting your creative journey on LOFTER. If you encounter any issues, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you!