Kugou Music App Download | 酷狗音乐 Millions of HQ Tracks

Kugou Music App Download : 酷狗音乐 offers millions of high-quality, genuine tracks, it promises an unparalleled music experience. Its unique dual version feature caters to diverse listening preferences, whether you seek rich interaction in the standard version or personalized settings in the exploration version. Eager for a vast library of top-quality songs or a distinctive dual experience? Download Kugou Music App now and elevate your listening experience~

Kugou Music App Download


Kugou Music App Download


酷狗音乐 (pinyin : Kù gǒu yīnyuè), a premium streaming service from Tencent, integrates various features for an unmatched musical journey.

Experience immersive listening with upgraded Viper panoramic sound quality, spatial mixing techniques, and AI-restored 5.1 surround sound.

Its newly designed user-friendly interface offers a fresh, simple experience. The unique music library includes new song delivery, authoritative charts, and curated playlists, making it easy to find your favorite tunes.

Plus, enjoy the integrated Kugou radio for a mix of music, emotions, and news, bringing back the charm of tuning into frequencies.

In this article, we will guide you on how to download the Kugou Music App. Keep reading to find out more.

  • Android
  • iOS


Kugou Music Download

Android 1 Google Play


▼ For overseas readers using Android smartphones or tablets, this app is not available in the Play Store.

Kugou Music App is not available on Google Play


Want to get the 酷狗音乐 APK?

You can download it from the following websites:

  • Tencent Appstore
  • PP Assistant


Android 2 Tencent Appstore


Tencent Appstore : 酷狗音乐

▼ Tencent Appstore offers the APK file for download.

Open the link and uncheck the “应用宝官方下载,安全高速”.

Click on “普通下载” Normal Download to start the download.


Note 1 : Can’t download it? Please try a different browser.

Note 2 : On desktop site? Please switch to the mobile screen via your web browser.

Download Kugou Music APK from Tencent Appstore

Android 3 PP Assistant


PP Assistant : 酷狗音樂

▼ We can also download it from Alibaba’s PP Assistant.

Visit the website, uncheck “优先下载PP助手安装,更安全”

Then tap on “普通下载” (Normal Download) to start the download.


Note: If you can’t download it, please try using a different browser.

Download 酷狗音乐 APK from PP Assistant



iOS 1 App Store (Overseas)


▼ Readers having iPhone or iPad can’t find 酷狗音乐 on the App Store from outside of China.

Please refer the steps below to get it.

Kugou Music App is not available on App Store (Overseas)


Can’t find it in your local App Store?

Try switching to the Chinese App Store (Mainland China).


iOS 2 App Store (China) I


▼ Start by getting a new Apple ID for China.

Then, change your App Store’s country setting to Mainland China.

switching to the Chinese App Store

Switching to the Chinese App Store

iOS 2 App Store (China) II GET


App Store :  酷狗音樂

▼ Access the China App Store,

and search for ‘kugou music‘ or use the above link to Get this app.

Get Kugou Music App on App Store (China)

The Kugou Music App is more than just an app; it’s a comprehensive companion for your musical life. From a vast library, advanced sound technology, and personalized experiences to a community of music enthusiasts, every moment with Kugou Music is a feast for the ears. Start your personalized music journey with this app today, and if you have any questions, feel free to comment below. Thank you~

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