Baidu Map App Download : 百度地图, your intelligent travel assistant, offering precise route planning and navigation services. Whether you’re calling a ride, taking public transportation, or driving yourself, Baidu Map effortlessly handles it all. With integrated AR real-time navigation and global voice interaction, Baidu Map is committed to providing users with more accurate, richer, and easier-to-use travel solutions. Looking for nearby delicious food? Need navigation for your journey? Get the Baidu Map App now and make traveling simpler~
Baidu Map App Download
Trying to get Du Map?
百度地图 (pinyin : Bǎidù dìtú), the new era of smart navigation.
- 百度地图 – Official website
Not only does it intelligently plan various travel modes, but it also recommends the best routes based on real-time traffic conditions, effectively avoiding congestion.
Its unique smart voice technology allows you to easily inquire about weather, routes, and even set personal voice packages.
Additionally, Baidu Map’s intelligent recommendation system suggests nearby dining, entertainment, and travel destinations based on preferences and real-time location, making your journey more colorful.
Need navigation for your journey? Ready to explore Baidu Map?
In this article, we will introduce how to get Baidu Map App.
- Android (APK)
- iOS
Baidu Map Download
Android 1 Google Play
Google Play : 百度地图
▼ Readers on Android phone or tablet can find it from the Google Play Store.
Simply search for “baidu map” or open the store link to Install it.
Want to get the Baidu Map APK?
You can download it from the following websites:
- Tencent Appstore
- Wandoujia
Android 2 Tencent Appstore
Tencent Appstore : 百度地图
▼ Tencent Appstore offers the APK file for download.
Open the link and uncheck the “应用宝官方下载,安全高速”.
Click on “普通下载” Normal Download to start the download.
Note 1 : Can’t download it? Please try a different browser.
Note 2 : On desktop site? Please switch to the mobile screen via your web browser.
Android 3 Wandoujia
Wandoujia : 百度地图
▼ We can also download it from Alibaba’s Wandoujia.
Visit the website, uncheck “需优先下载豌豆荚安装”
Then tap on “普通下载” (Normal Download) to start the download.
Note: If you can’t download it, please try using a different browser.
Baidu Map for iOS
iOS 1 App Store (overseas)
App Store : 百度地图
▼ Readers using iPhone or iPad can find this navigation App from the App Store from outside of China.
Search for “baidu map” or open the store link to GET it.
Can’t find it in your Country or Area?
Try to visit the Chinese App Store (Mainland China) to get it.
iOS 2 App Store (China) I
▼ Refer to Open a China Apple ID to create a new ID, and change the Country of your App Store.
iOS 2 App Store (China) II GET
App Store : 百度地图
▼ Enter the China App Store successfully, and you can search for “baidu map” or open the link above to GET this App.
Baidu Map provides comprehensive location-based services, continuously optimizing services with AI technology for a smarter travel experience. From daily commuting to holiday outings, Baidu Map offers personalized services to ensure every trip is fast, comfortable, and safe. We hope our article helps you obtain this navigation App and embark on your smart journey. If you encounter any issues, please leave a comment below. Thank you~